The National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (India) – NAVS (I) – was established in 1993 to promote the interests of veterinarians in the country. The Academy was launched with Dr. Chinta Mani Singh, regarded as the doyen of Veterinary Services in India, as its Founder President. Following were the aims and objectives of the Academy: – NAVS (I) – was established in 1993 to promote the interests of veterinarians in the country. The Academy was launched with Dr. Chinta Mani Singh, regarded as the doyen of Veterinary Services in India, as its Founder President. Following were the aims and objectives of the Academy:
- Promotion of Knowledge of Veterinary Sciences in India and its practical application to problems of National welfare.
- The recognition and encouragement of merit in all branches of Veterinary Sciences.
- To secure co-ordination between Veterinary and other scientific academics, societies, associations, institutions and Government Veterinary/Animal Husbandry and scientific departments and services.
- To seek help and co-operation of international agencies and national bodies of other countries.
- To act through properly constituted national committee for veterinary scientific subjects for undertaking such Veterinary Scientific work of national and international importance as the Academy may be called upon to perform the public and the Government.
- To publish such proceedings, abstracts, journals, memoirs, transactions and other publications as may be found desirable.
- To promote and maintain a liaison between Veterinary Medicine and other sciences.
- To secure and manage funds and endowments for the promotion of the objectives of the Academy, and
- To undertake any other steps that may assist in, conducive to, or be necessary for the fulfillment of the above mentioned Aims and Objectives of the Academy.